[packman] avidemux5 problem no video and no sound.

Philippe Conde conde.philippe at skynet.be
Fri Feb 2 09:10:16 CET 2024


> Hello,

> In the Message; 
>[PC] == Philippe Conde <conde.philippe at skynet.be  <https://lists.links2linux.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/packman>> has written:
> PC>  Hello,
> PC>  I'm on tumbleweed with packman repository enabled.
> PC>  Last snapshot installed is 20240130.
> PC>  I see that avidemux3 (version 2.8.1-1699.2.pm.64) starts  but the video frame>
> PC>  remains black and the sound doesn't play.
> PC>  The same mp4 file plays correctly with vlc.
> [...]
> Make the file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/avidemux.conf with the contents of;
>    /usr/lib64/ADM_plugins6/videoEncoders/qt5
>     /usr/lib64/ADM_plugins6/videoFilters/qt5

>  then do this;
>   $ sudo ldconfig
>Kind Regards.

Thanks for your answer,
I created the avidemux.conf file and ran ldconfig.
Starting avidemux3_qt5 thereafter I have still a black video frame but 
the sound is now working.
I renamed the ~/.avidemux3 directory  and retested with same result.
I forced also a reinstallation of the avidemux3 rpm with no changes

I have saved the journalclt output when playing  20 seconds of a mp4 
video see

I see only 4 errors about LIBVA, don't know if this is meaningfull.

Many thanks

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