[packman] Kodi Tumbleweed symbol not found error - Kodi won't start!

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at lake.dti.ne.jp
Thu May 18 10:42:20 CEST 2023


In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [packman] Kodi Tumbleweed symbol not found error - Kodi won't start!
  Message-ID : <ZGXccL2baTEi_aPw at saturn.hollstein.homelinux.org>
  Date & Time: Thu, 18 May 2023 10:06:08 +0200

[MH] == Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> has written:

MN> > The reason is that fmt has been updated to 10.0.0.

MH>  where do you find fmt 10.0.0? openSUSE:Factory still has 9.1.0.

Ah, sorry.

My repository is M17N.

MN> > kodi does not support this fmt at the moment, so the only solution is
MN> > to install the libfmt9.

MH>  He ought to have libfmt9 installed, either directly or as a dependency
MH>  of kodi. FWIW, I just upgraded my systems to TW snapshot 20230517, and
MH>  kodi runs successfully.

My kodi is a static build, so it has nothing to do with fmt in my


┏━━┓彡 野宮  賢                         mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp
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