[packman] audacious

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Sat Apr 18 11:07:51 CEST 2015

Am Donnerstag, 16. April 2015, 17:31:21 schrieb Hartmut:
>    I installed audacious first without the audacious-lang-package - forgot
>    it - but with audacious-plugin. Maybe thats breaking the    rules of
>    dependencies?

No. audacious-plugins recommends audacious-plugins-lang, so it should be 
installed automatically if you install audacious-plugins with YaST or zypper.
(unless you manually disabled the installation of recommended packages, or 
uninstalled it explicitly before which would mark it as "unwanted")

But how exactly did you install it?
If you download the package and install it manually, the lang packages cannot 
be installed automatically of course...

Anyway, I see nothing wrong with the packages.
The lang packages are recommended, as they should be.
A strict requirement doesn't make sense, because audacious works fine without 
them, just in English though of course...

Kind Regards,

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