[packman] VLC for OpenSUSE

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Sat Oct 4 22:31:43 CEST 2014

Am Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014, 21:52:24 schrieb David Kronlid:
> My OS is OpenSUSE
> 13.1 and I use the repository that fetches it's files from
> http://download.videolan.org/pub/vlc/SuSE/13.1/x86_64/
> I've been told that this repo is maintained by packman (or the files
> originate from packman), and that I should discuss this with the packman
> people.

No. The repo at videolan.org is maintained by videolan.org, i.e. VLC upstream.
That said, that repo contains the same VLC packages as are in the OBS 
multimedia:libs repo, just built with full codecs support (the same as 
Packman's packages)
> When updates arrive I get a message that there are VLC-updates, but
> whenever I try to install these updates there's always a complaint that the
> packages (7 in total) are dependent on another one of the 7 packages.
> This problem has
> never ever happened to me with another package on OpenSUSE 13.1 and I use
> around 10-15 different repos both official and not, only VLC-related
> packages from the videolan repo have behaved this way so it's clearly a
> VLC/packman problem.

Again, this is definitely no Packman problem, it might be a problem of the 
videolan.org repo, which you should report to them, not Packman.

But first, what exact conflict message is printed when you run "sudo zypper 

What is your repo list?
zypper lr -d

A note: you should _not_ have both the Packman and the videolan.org repo on 
your system as that can lead to problems.
So I would recommend to remove the videolan.org repo, add the Packman repo (if 
you haven't already), and do a "full repository vendor change update" to 
Packman as described here:

This will give you some more applications with fully enabled multimedia 

Btw, you can find the Packman repo in YaST->Software Repositories when you 
click "Add" and choose "Community Repositories".
Or see here: 

> A second question I have is if there is a better way of installing fresh
> versions of VLC and everything needed for daily usage of VLC? Is the repo
> at videolan.org the best to use if I want everything to work? Or is there a
> better repo that works with OpenSUSE but still gives the modern versions of
> VLC and all needed libs? I want to be able to use VLC for DVD's and
> different video files and to stream music from internet radio stations, so
> I need a lot of different CODECS for both audio and video.

Packman maybe? ;)
In the case of VLC it does not matter much which of the two you use, but 
Packman contains many other packages as well.

Kind Regards,

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