[packman] Slight Xine-ui package problem

John Kelly jkelly at dumyat.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Feb 6 19:50:14 CET 2009


I updated my xine-ui package to the latest available on packman for
openSUSE 11.0 and it doesn't seem to have lirc (remote control) built-in.
The version installed according to Yast was
xine-ui-0.99.5cvs-20081221.pm.1343 (32bit) however the executable
returns 0.99.6cvs

Anyway I downloaded the source and compiled it (0.99.5) and it works
fine with my existing lirc setup.  I tried it several times with
different versions from packman but none of them seemed to have the lirc
support built-in.

Just letting you know.  I really appreciate the service you guys provide
for SUSE.

Kind regards

John Kelly

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