[packman] Fwd: Packman Website, MythTV 0.20 RPMs für Suse 10.1

Michael Schueller schueller-berlin at gmx.de
Thu Sep 14 01:19:19 CEST 2006

Am Mittwoch, 13. September 2006 19:03 schrieb Manfred Tremmel:
> Zur Info
> ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
> HI!

Hello Thomas, hello Simon

First i wanne thank Simon to keep an eye on the latest packages off
mythtv, and build them all this quick after the new release.
> I just installed MythTV 0.20 from Packman and noticed the
> following problems:
> 1. mythtv-backend
> The service mythbackend should NOT be ON by default.

Then i wanne say that i´m verry happy with this. The backend Daemon 
is now working by default, no more missing configs and all at the 
default Place.
If it should be on or off, well in the svn.spec from Chris Petersen
it is on, and i like it ;-)

> 2. libmyth
> libmyth is far too large. Something's wrong there with the
> compiler settings. Another MythTV for Suse packager had the same
> problem and fixed it. His libmyth 0.19 first also was >20 MB and
> then only 7 MB. Please look at his .spec:
> http://folk.uio.no/oeysteio/apt/suse/10.1-olsen/SRPMS.Olsen/mytht
>v-0.19 -19.src.rpm
> 3. MythWeb
> The plugin MythWeb is missing.

The plugin calls mythbrowser ...
> 4. Additional themes
> There is no RPM for the additional themes from
> myththemes-0.20.tar.bz2.
> 5. Updates to
>  http://cvs.mythtv.org/trac/log/branches/release-0-20-fixes
> Please update regularely the RPMs from 0.20 fixes branch and
> write the svn revision number into the packages description.

This would really a good idea, but it would take time and this 
release is the latest stable so far ...

> 6. mytharchive
> mytharchive has a dependency to a not available mkisofs version.
> Thanks a lot!
Thanks from me too
> Thomas
> -------------------------------------------------------

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