[packman] Kodi Tumbleweed symbol not found error - Kodi won't start!

Manfred Hollstein manfred.h at gmx.net
Sat May 20 20:40:07 CEST 2023

Hi Steven,

On Sat, 20 May 2023, 18:30:15 +0200, Steven Swart wrote:
> Greetings, Packmans!
> Just a quick report back.

thanks for your feedback!

>                           Installing the new Packman version of the ProjectM
> music visualiser addon still didn't solve my problem. I was still getting this:
> steven at linux-ll3r:~> kodi
> /usr/lib64/kodi/kodi.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/kodi/kodi.bin:
> undefined symbol:
> _ZN6spdlog7details7log_msgC1ENS_10source_locEN3fmt2v917basic_string_viewIcEENS_5level10level_enumES6_
> So, upon investigation, this was the problem. I checked which version of
> libfmt10 I had installed:
> steven at linux-ll3r:~> zypper info libfmt10
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> Information for package libfmt10:
> ---------------------------------
> Repository     : devel:libraries:c_c++

This is the source of your problem! Adding any devel: projects may
result in a lot of problems; we just recently had that with some issues
when openssl stopped working properly... I'd suggest you lower the
priority of all such devel: repos/projects to something higher than 99
and check all packages you have installed from any of these devel:

> [...]
> I am not a maintainer, but perhaps this means that the Kodi requires should
> change, and maybe that Kodi itself needs to be built against libfmt10?

I just added a BuildRequire: to ban any fmt version >= 10!

> In other news, I now have a Leap 15.4 machine running the ProjectM visualiser
> as well, and another Leap 15.4 machine that I plan to install it on at some
> stage.
> All in all, a big win all around for all SUSE users who use Kodi, thank you so
> much, Manfred! :-)

Thank you, Steven, to drill down this mess!

> Kind regards,
> Steven.


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