[packman] Problems with OBS Studio on TW

Hans-Peter Jansen hpj at urpla.net
Sat Apr 22 12:39:20 CEST 2023

Life without chameleons is possible, but pointless.

Hi Stefan,

Am Dienstag, 18. April 2023, 21:02:59 CEST schrieb Stefan Seyfried:
> On 18.04.23 19:50, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> > The reason, that led to these missing dependencies is, that there are some
> > naming overlaps of plugin libraries with system libraries, e.g.:
> > /usr/lib64/obs-plugins/libvulkan.so.1
> > 
> > rpm would record a provides for this library, that will not be useful
> > outside of obs-studio of course and confuse other installations, that
> > require the real libvulkan.
> > 
> > Another reason is, that some libraries are dynamically loaded (dl-opened).
> > 
> > Therefore the AutoReqProv functionality of rpm must be disabled for the
> > plugins, and their deps must be handled manually.

> maybe
> %define __provides_exclude_from %{_libdir}/obs-plugins
> would be smarter than "AutoReqProv: off"?
> I did not check the package actually but this just came to my mind. I
> have used these macros before to fix stuff like that.

Ahh, I used AutoReqProv as a generic term here.

Specifically, I'm using this in the package:

# these are plugins, built as libs and as such should not be mixed up with their originals
%global __provides_exclude_from ^(%{_libdir}/obs-plugins/.*\\.so.*|%{_libdir}/obs-scripting/.*\\.so.*)$
%global __requires_exclude_from ^(%{_libdir}/obs-plugins/.*|%{_libdir}/obs-scripting/.*)$
%global __requires_exclude ^libcef\\.so$

Unfortunately, I don't remember right now, for what reason the first
__requires_exclude_from was required :-(. The second is obvious, we provide
the chrome embedded framework lib implicitly in the package.

I can drop this expression temporarily in a build and wait for feedback.
What do you think, Stefan?
> See /usr/share/doc/packages/rpm/manual/dependency_generators.md for
> details ;-)

In general, this reminder is very useful, since a packager may tap into 
such woes once in a while...


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