[packman] MirrorCache for packman?

Andrii Nikitin andrii.nikitin at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 25 10:29:25 CET 2022


MirrorCache is a redirector service which redirects download requests
to a closest mirror for a user. It is used so far in openSUSE and
internal SUSE infrastructure. E.g. mirrorcache.opensuse.org

Are you interested in setting up such a service for packman? So e.g.
when a request comes from Czech Republic to
links2linux.de/download/%1 , it will be automatically redirected to
http://mirror.karneval.cz/pub/linux/packman/%1 (assuming that the
mirror has the file), etc. MirrorCache also honors http/https
protocols, can provide metalinks, monitors state of mirrors, provides
download statistics and has additional plans for reports and new
I can assist in setting up the environment and the best effort
support, granting that you provide hosting and ssh access. For a pilot
it will need like 4-8G machine with openSUSE(*) and 20-40G disk.
Preferably it should have access to the original files on disk or
through nfs, but it is not required. 1 CPU should be enough, but
depending on traffic and amount of files - it may need 2 in future.

Let me know what you think,
Andrii Nikitin

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