[packman] PMBS: Multimedia repo publishing

Stefan Botter jsj at jsj.dyndns.org
Sun Mar 21 10:31:18 CET 2021

Hello everyone,

Am Samstag, den 20.03.2021, 13:46 +0100 schrieb Stefan Botter:
> Building has started again about half an hour ago.
> If the key-juggling was successful, we will see once a whole
> repository of the Multimedia project has finished building and staging
> to packman.links2linux.de is finished. I will have a look at the log
> files there later today.

... well - "tomorrow" would have been correct :)

The good news: it is working!
The bad news: All packages in project Multimedia built between Feb 24th
and Mar 20th, and have not been changed to cause a rebuild - either
through a commit or an upstream dependency change, are still signed with
the temporary key not accepted by packman's re-signer, and are hence not

Three ways out of that:
- wait,
- force a complete rebuild of Multimedia, or
- re-sign packages in Multimedia with the actual key and re-publish.

Waiting is lame.
I do not know how to force a unconditional rebuild of a while project,
and also do not know if and how it is possible to re-sign already built
packages .

I reached out to openSUSE's buildservice mailing list, and am waiting
for input.


Stefan Botter zu Hause
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