[packman] PMBS: Multimedia repo publishing

Stefan Botter jsj at jsj.dyndns.org
Sat Mar 20 13:46:11 CET 2021

Hi again,

Am Freitag, den 19.03.2021, 12:44 +0100 schrieb Stefan Botter:
> Multimedia packages built on PMBS could be signed again only after I
> replaced the Multimedia project signing key on Feb 24th.
> This in turn broke the verification on packman.links2linux.de, so
> Multimedia packages arriving there are not re-signed and hence not
> published to the mirrors.
> As I do not have access to the re-signing part on packman, I cannot
> simply update/trust the new project key. Marc is offline ATM, and
> cannot help me right now, so I will try to replace Multimedia's key
> with another already trusted key in our publishing chain.

I did that now after some testing on my private build service instance.

> This will likely break something, as I am try-and-erroring.

I hope, that the "error" part was limited to my own instance, and
building with the more-or-less "new" key for Multimedia solves the

Building has started again about half an hour ago.
If the key-juggling was successful, we will see once a whole repository
of the Multimedia project has finished building and staging to
packman.links2linux.de is finished. I will have a look at the log files
there later today.


Stefan Botter zu Hause
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