[packman] kodi for raspberrypi

Olaf Hering olaf at aepfle.de
Thu Jun 24 23:05:20 CEST 2021

Am Thu, 24 Jun 2021 12:47:52 +0200
schrieb Adam Mizerski <adam at mizerski.pl>:

> Can anyone at least fix the -noX-raspberry-pi subpackage to properly link to kodi?

In theory there should be just a single kodi.spec, the other subpackages are a thing from the past decade. They have no meaning anymore, for raspberry anyway.

However, they currently serve as a workaround to actually be able to build kodi on non-x86. On x86 a _constraint file is required to request a worker with enough diskspace.

Such _constraint works only if the build is done within a VM. Since the arm workers use a chroot for building the _constraint file has the effect that no build can start because this feature is not supported for chroot builds.

To work around this limitation of the buildservice, kodi-noX-raspberry-pi/_link deletes the _constraint file and all other spec files to fool the buildservice.

Unfortunately, upstream arm support is broken, the build fails anyway after a day or two because the arm specific code is not ready for a generic arm target. I think the aarch64 build fails too for some reason.

So in the end, try to fix and build it yourself, or ask upstream to fix arm support.

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