[packman] [SOLVED] Please update Flash

Jason Craig os-dev at jacraig.com
Mon Feb 3 17:13:29 CET 2020

On 2/3/2020 01:39, Rodney Baker wrote:
> It is worth noting that there are a number of industrial (and other) control
> systems that run on secure networks that still (unfortunately) rely on Flash.
That is terrible support to provide one's customers...awful technology 
most people haven't touched in 10+ years.

However, at some point this year they will no longer have a choice: 
Adobe is going to finally kill (stop supporting) Flash, and at that 
point I don't imagine any amount wailing or gnashing of teeth with get 
the browsers to allow newly unsupported still security nightmare to be 
used. So whoever is relying on Flash at that point will either have to 
change or not have their products used.

Jason Craig

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