[packman] Bug: Package vlc for openSUSE Leap 15 doesn't create shortcuts in KDE's application launcher

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Wed May 30 16:14:02 CEST 2018

Am Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2018, 16:06:22 schrieb Wolfgang Bauer:
> > One more observation: If I look at the file list of the package, I see
> > some
> > files installed in /usr/share/kde4/apps/. I don't know whether that's
> > intentional, it just seemed odd since Leap 15 comes with KDE Plasma 5 and
> > not KDE4.
> That is intentional, it installs the device manager entries for "KDE4" as
> well. That's totally unrelated to the applicaiton menu entries though.

PS, to be more clear:
It installs the files to *both* the KDE4 and the KF5 location, so you won't be 
missing anything in Plasma5 because of that.

Kind Regards,

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