[packman] Bug: Package vlc for openSUSE Leap 15 doesn't create shortcuts in KDE's application launcher

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Wed May 30 16:06:22 CEST 2018

Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2018, 10:27:54 schrieb Timo Sigurdsson:
> I installed openSUSE Leap 15 this weekend and added the packman essentials
> repository. I installed VLC Media Player from packman and while vlc works
> fine, there are no shortcuts created in the application launcher.

The application launcher entry is shipped in Packman's vlc package (of course) 

Did you install the package "vlc" as well?
Does the file /usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop exist?

Maybe try to run "kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental" to force a refresh of KF5's 
.desktop file cache, althouh that should happen automatically whenever a 
change to /usr/share/applications/ is detected.

> If I install vlc from the official openSUSE repositories, it is
> registered correctly, just not with the package from packman.

Actually the packages are exactly the same (except for additional codecs on 

> One more observation: If I look at the file list of the package, I see some
> files installed in /usr/share/kde4/apps/. I don't know whether that's
> intentional, it just seemed odd since Leap 15 comes with KDE Plasma 5 and
> not KDE4.

That is intentional, it installs the device manager entries for "KDE4" as 
well. That's totally unrelated to the applicaiton menu entries though.

> P.S.: This is a resend of an email I sent earlier, but didn't make it
> through to the list – probably, because I wasn't subscribed yet.

It appeared meanwhile too... ;-)

Kind Regards,

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