[packman] [multimedia] libdvdcss2 package from opensuse-guide.org for TW

Martin Schlander martin.schlander at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 11:48:19 CEST 2017

mandag den 24. juli 2017 05.18.38 CEST skrev Felix Miata:
> "Announced" how? I tried clicking community repositories in yast and got a
> grand total of two hits, both standard ones from openSUSE.org for TW.

Hm, I don't have a Tumbleweed system myself, so I can't check, but I maintain 
an xml file on opensuse-community.org which should supposedly feed the Packman 
and the libdvdcss repo into the yast community repositories list.

Maybe I'll ping someone about the issue.

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