[packman] PMBS - quo vadis?

Johannes Obermayr johannesobermayr at gmx.de
Fri Feb 24 22:23:19 CET 2017

Am Freitag, 24. Februar 2017, 19:15:27 CET schrieb Stefan Seyfried:
> Am 24.02.2017 um 11:15 schrieb Richard Brown:
> > openSUSE would be happy to take everything we can to help reduce that
> > burden upon Packman
> Easy: just build the stuff you think packman should build for you on
> your own.
> Then packman people can do what they want. Interesting software.
> Multimedia. Whatever. In the versions they like to build.

There are sometimes problems between openSUSE maintainers and people who want an open and liberal packaging/development process.

Since openSUSE maintainers/guys do not understand that stable marked, but buggy package versions are not as good as working development versions whose are well maintained on Packman together with upstream (contribution) they should leave Packman and go their own way ...

In my experience it was always a problem to get a working things over openSUSE's buggy implementation. For example see my reasons to stop working on build.opensuse.org:
(I know there is a buggy thing but I accept to beg users just because there are no rules to provide an extra package which fixes it ...)

Also openSUSE maintainers do not fulfill their own guiding principles (https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Guiding_principles):
- make users happy
- foster innovation

That was the reason for me to search for a new home and I found more liberal Packman.

Since conservative openSUSE maintainers now also trying to infalitize Packman I asked Stefan to remove all packages maintained by me and/or remove all traces guiding to me since it doesn't match with my fundamental beliefs.

For example it took four days to today until FreeCAD could be built again for Tumbleweed:

On Packman I can manage my packages to resolve build dependency issues within a few hours ...


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