[packman] I'd like to collaborate with a game in packman

Alberto N. alberto.cartagena at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 21:29:17 CEST 2016

Dear packman team

First of all, I've been an openSuSE user since SuSE 6.4, long time, and I
do admire the work you've been doing with the distro all this time.

I've been working on a game for some years now, it's opensource and free,
and I'd like to give back some of what I've received by distributing and
maintaining it for free, for now, there's no business model behind at all,
and I'm not planning to.

It's quite basic yet, it could be at the same level that the firsts tuxkart
or battletank, but I'd like to know if you're interested in adding it to
the collection of packages available in packman and/or how to do it.

I'm not going to hide it'd be a great honour to be part of OpenSuSE and I'd
brag about it :P


Alberto Navarro.

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