[packman] No k3b-codecs for openSUSE 42.1

Martin Schlander martin.schlander at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 14:06:01 CET 2016

fredag den 30. december 2016 01.37.39 CET skrev Wolfgang Bauer:
> Am Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2016, 00:45:18 schrieb Jimmy Peters:
> > I have been trying to clear the message in k3b about the mad plugin.  I
> > have installed from your repository many times in the past.  However, the
> > last couple of days, I have been working on a new system and it will not
> > install k3b-codecs.  From everything way the sites tell me to check, it
> > says that there is no package.  Is there something missing or am I doing
> > something wrong?
> Install the k3b package from Packman, that should include the mad plugin.
> I.e. do a full switch to the Packman repo (either via "Switch system
> packages" in YaST or "zypper dup --from Packman), or at least make sure
> that k3b comes from Packman (e.g. click on "Versions" below the package
> list in YaST).
> A separate k3b-codecs package doesn't exist any more.

It still exists for 42.2 both on gwdg.de and inode.at:

Is 42.2 just behind on rebuild or mirrors not synced? As the maintainer 
opensuse-guide.org and the codec 1-click installers it's nice to know if the 
package will 'disappear' or not.

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