[packman] OpenSuse 42.1 missing k3b codecs

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Dec 1 15:34:57 CET 2016

Am Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016, 13:58:54 schrieb Luigi Baldoni:
> It fails in both cases (at least on 13.2).

So you mean the buttons are there but it fails, right?
That wasn't really clear from your mail...

But k3b only uses external tools for that, cdrecord or wodim currently, but 
upstream work is being done to use cdrskin too in the KF5 version.

Maybe try to install the actual cdrecord instead of wodim and cdrkit-cdrtools-
compat (and in particular, uninstall the latter one)
It might help, depending on your hardware. Personally both work fine here 
though, at least when I last tried which has been a while.

Kind Regards,

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