[packman] ncmpcpp symbol lookup error

LB aloisio at gmx.com
Mon Nov 17 10:20:37 CET 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014 at 8:21 PM, "Wolfgang Bauer" <e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> Yes, looks like it's compiled against the newer taglib from Packman (of
> course, if it comes from Packman), but you still have the older one from
> openSUSE installed.
> Install libtag1 1.9.1 from Packman and it should work again.
> Btw, the same problem exists with Amarok.

Speaking of ncmpcpp, someone had asked to update it but there is no (easy) way to
support anything prior to 13.1. Would it make sense to split the package to leave
the old version for those targets?

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