[packman] Package maintenance request: nordlicht

Dmitriy Perlow dap at open.by
Tue Mar 4 18:33:23 CET 2014

Sebastian Morr <sebastian at morr.cc>  Tue, 04 Mar 2014 02:58:52 +0300:

>> nordlicht-devel.i586: E: no-pkg-config-provides (Badness: 300)
>> The package installs a .pc file but does not provide pkgconfig(..)  
>> provides.
>> The most likely reason for that is that it was built without  
>> BuildRequires:
>> pkg-config. Please double check your build dependencies.
> I don't really understand why this is necessary.

And a little remark.
Pkgconfig is a great development tool and also it is a way to make build  
dependencies cross-distributive. F.e. you can find and require to build  
qt-devel, qtXY-devel, lib64qt4-devel or libqt4-devel package or just set  
pkgconfig(QtCore): http://pkgs.org/search/?keyword=pkgconfig(QtCore)

Best regards,
Dmitriy DA(P).DarkneSS Perlow @ Linux x64

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