[packman] Build host memory limits

Stefan Botter jsj at jsj.dyndns.org
Thu Aug 8 22:26:20 CEST 2013


On Wednesday, August 07, 2013 03:15:45 PM Stefan Botter wrote:
> Picking up here, Yesterday and today I tried to deploy a worker with
> kvm for the individual worker tasks.
> As I could only use a VMware Workstation virtual machine I tried with
> a one-instance machine. That seems to work, but all of a sudden all
> other machines on the WS were *horrible* slow on I/O, with the
> result, that I had to reboot my machine (it is my everyday
> workstation, where swkj04 runs on, too). The worker ran for approx.
> 2h, and *may* have compiled one mame package successfully, if it
> finished until I killed my machine. So it basically works, but I
> cannot provide such a worker ATM.

Picking up here and replying to my post ;-)
I have a Core2Duo with 4GB RAM, and a kvm worker. Unfortunately only 
lended for some days => swkj11.
So please feel free to put the constraints back in again.

Stefan Botter zu Hause
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