[packman] Filezilla 3.5.3 for Suse 11.4?

Smartysmart34 smartysmart34 at web.de
Wed Jun 6 09:22:12 CEST 2012

Am 04.06.2012 23:58, schrieb Mariusz Fik:
> Dnia poniedziaƂek, 4 czerwca 2012 15:44:57 Smartysmart34 pisze:
>> So my question is: Would it be possible to build Filezilla 3.5.3 for
>> Opensuse 11.4 on Packman?

> filezilla-3.5.2 is available for openSUSE 11.4 in network repository.


that's one of the reasons I really don't like that Build-Service-Idea.

While "Network" does not seem to be one of the evil :home-Repos, it
still doesn't build Filezilla for anything older than 12.1 because of
missing dependencies. (wxWidgets-wxcontainer-devel).

Plus: I don't see any sane reason why one would have 3.5.3 for 12.1 and
only 3.5.2 for 11.4?

And what exactly was the intension behind Tumbleweed? Is this obsolete
now? Maybe someone can give me a hint on that one.

I would prefer installing a clean Filezilla 3.5.3 from Packman for 11.4/64.


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