[packman] MeAndMyShadow package suggestion

edward_lii edward_lii at zoho.com
Thu Jan 26 18:25:24 CET 2012

Hello Malcolm,

Thanks for your reply.
> You should push to the games repository on OBS, then announce on the
> Factory mailing list that the games repo will be the 'devel' repo for
> factory.
I assume by OBS you mean the openSUSE Build Service?
And could you explain the process of 'announce on the Factory mailing list 
that the games repo will be the 'devel' repo' a bit more?

> You then get the games people to push to Factory and it will be
> in the distribution....
There's currently a small problem with the project.
It turns out that the music added by the original developer turns out to be 
non-free. So I won't continue this, at least not until the next release.

Thanks in advance,
Edward Lii

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