[packman] Arista not working in opensuse, plugin missing

Swapnil Bhartiya swapnil.bhartiya at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 12:38:36 CEST 2012

On 04/04/2012 07:27 PM, Cristian Morales Vega wrote:
> On 3 April 2012 15:54, Swapnil Bhartiya<swapnil.bhartiya at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Thanks. I am monitoring both the bugs and will provide any info if needed.
> I guess more people will find this here...
> To make it work you must edit the file ~/.arista/presets/android.json
> changing, in line 243:
>                      "bitrate=131072 profile=LC"
> for
>                      "bitrate=131072 ! audio/mpeg, base-profile=lc"
> This will fix the "Android DroidX" preset. Do the same for the "Galaxy
> Tab" and any other preset needed.

GREAT. This fixed the problem and now I am able to transcode movies. It 
comes at the best time as tomorrow we are going to The Netherlands for 3 
days trip and my wife wanted to put some movies on the tablet. Thank you 
guys so much. I will write about it to help other users as well.

Thanks again.


> It doesn't really make a lot of sense to release an official update
> fixing the scripts since
> a) The presets from http://www.transcoder.org/presets/ would still fail anyway
> b) It would only fix new installations, not updates, since arista
> copies the presets to the user home directory and doesn't update them
> with the new software updates.

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