[packman] imagination accepteert geen mp3

Richard Bos richard at radoeka.nl
Wed Jul 6 19:14:41 CEST 2011


thank you for providing the imagination (http://imagination.sourceforge.net/) 
slide show maker rpm.  

I just tried it this afternoon, and it works for the video, but I have not 
been able to add audio to the slide show.  Might this be because the provided 
version does not support (in its libraries) mp3?

According to the documentation (index.html):
It requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce the movie file and libsox to import 
the audio files.

Import music
This is the same as the previous only but works for audio files. Please make 
sure your libsox is able to handle your selected audio formats (on Debian 
derived distros, you'll most probably want to install libsox-fmt-all package).

I have this rpm installed:
# rpm -qa | grep sox

Any idea why adding audio is not working?

It would be nice if someone else could try it, and confirm the behaviour I 

Some minor detail the version I've installed (last changed by Pascal Bleser on 
10 March) shows as version string 3.0-r1.  The r1 looks like a release 
candidate or is this not the case for this application?

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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