[packman] It's 11.2 so time for another "Azureus doesn't start" post.

Mark Draheim rickscafe.casablanca at gmx.net
Sun Nov 15 15:22:04 CET 2009

Am Sonntag 15 November 2009 02:19:25 schrieb Dwight Paige:

> I'm trying to run it in openSUSE x86_64 and it will not open:
> :~> azureus

same here. Did a rebuild of the accompanying swt lib and then vuze runs.

On a side note, Vuze has kde3 devel libs and that dreaded arts in its 
buildrequires. Is that needed or even wanted for 11.2?

Also, could that hardcoded requires on openjdk somehow be softened to also 
work with sun's java?



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