[packman] [PM] iris2 2.0.3021-0.pm.1 (openSUSE 10.3/i586)
toni at links2linux.de
Sun May 10 09:42:50 CEST 2009
Am Sonntag, 10. Mai 2009 schrieb F. Fischer:
> hi,
> i'm one of the developers from Iris2.
> I saw this http://packman.links2linux.de/package/iris2/92747 and i'd
> like to ask you, if we can use your RPM build to official link it in our
> download section.
yes, feel free to link to our page.
Don't copy the rpm and provide it on your page, because rpm-packages have
dependencies to other packages and so they can't be installed without
installing the dependencies. This is managed with the package installer tools
included in the distribution (YaST, zypper, smart, apt, ..)
Here is a exsample how other authors are providing links to or site:
(using the one-click installer a feature of the SuSE-installer)
And/or simply point to the explantation how to include our site in the
http://packman.links2linux.de/ (site is available in several languages)
> We don't have an official linux releasebuild maintainer. Thats why i'm
> asking
I can send you my spec-file, with small tweaks it should be usable also for
Fedora (other names/releases for the packages) and other rpm-based
Some small packaging related "issues":
A) don't use hardcoded paths in your sources and config files:
# adjust path to ogre
%__sed -i -e 's|/usr/local/lib/OGRE|%{_libdir}/OGRE|g' \
%__sed -i -e 's|/usr/local/lib/OGRE|%{_libdir}/OGRE|g' \
%__sed -i -e 's|/usr/local/lib/OGRE|%{_libdir}/OGRE|g' \
on 64bit machines SuSE uses /usr/lib64, for 32bit it uses /usr/lib. It would
be great to pass the libdir as a parameter to the premake call.
B) The lugre makefile is missing a check for wxWidgets include statements, so
I added:
%__sed -i -e 's|-I/usr/include/OGRE|-I%{_includedir}/OGRE -I%{_includedir}/OIS
`wx-config --cflags`|g' \
C) And as I provide also a Caelum package, it would be fine to have a config
option tu use a system installed Caelum instead of the internal provided.
openal vs openal-soft, the name of the include directory differs:
find lugre/src -name '*.cpp' | xargs %__sed -i -e 's|OpenAL/al.h|AL/al.h|g'
find lugre/src -name '*.cpp' | xargs %__sed -i -e 's|OpenAL/alc.h|AL/alc.h|g'
These are not really issues or showstoppers. Just to simplify packagers
work :)
> best regards
> Florian ^ SiENcE
have fun
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