[packman] There are any plans to package Ekiga 3?

Quentin Denis quentin.denis at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 20:20:08 CEST 2008

I currently have no time for packaging. Can anyone from the team build this 
new upstream version, please?

Thanks in advance,

Am Samstag 18 Oktober 2008 20:08:17 schrieb Christian Morales Vega:
> I just noted that Ekiga 3 was released. The SIP/SIMPLE presence and
> new codecs (MPEG-4 part2/DivX, H264, http://www.ippcodecs.org/, etc)
> are important changes.
> Somehow the Gnome team isn't so fast like the KDE team at packaging
> new upstream version. And even if they were, openSUSE would be unable
> to provide packages with patented codecs support.
> Packman had packages for Ekiga until openSUSE 10.3, but they were
> never created for 11.0. So, since I don't really know too much about
> all this opal/libpt/IPP... is somebody here working in Ekiga 3 (and
> company) packages?
> home:hschaa:ekiga and home:monreal:ekiga have them. But, at least the
> hschaa version only supports H261 video, not even Theora.
> Thanks.
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