[packman] Re: [PM] ufoai 2.2 (openSUSE 10.3/i586)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Sun Jan 27 11:53:00 CET 2008

Am Sonntag, 27. Januar 2008 schrieb Jacek:
> Hi Tony,
> I am very sorry, but in my opinion ufoai-2.2-0.pm.1.i586.rpm package is
> broken:
not at all :)

how did you launch the game ?

there is a wrapper-script called ufoai.sh, this script set/needs some 
parameters. Or launch it from the KDE-Menu entry.

ufoai.sh +set s_libdir /usr/games/ufoai +set fs_basedir /usr/share/games/ufoai 
+set vid_ref sdl .....

for more information see documentation of the program

> Could you check what't wrong, please?

> greetings
have fun

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