[packman] [PM] python-tag 0.94.5-0.pm.1 (openSUSE 11.0/i586)

Ferenc-Lorant Kiss kfl62g at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 22:46:13 CET 2008

Ok thanks

Funny is that previous version of python-tag worked fine :). I have
problems only after upgrade, but now I can't downgrade because on
packman repo the lower version is deleted :)

Toni wrote:
> Am Montag, 15. Dezember 2008 schrieb Ferenc-Lorant Kiss:
>> I already searched with webpin and as I told you the lowest version was
>> boost-1.34.1-42.1 witch is from OpenSUSE install repo
>>> ==> It must be the basic one from openSuSE release 11.0.
>> All other repositories matching OpenSUSE 11.0 has higher versions.
>> I just was curious if you compiled with boost-1.34.1-41 from where you
>> get that version.
> hm, thats the version we are using on our build-server.
> I'll investigate this.
>> It's just annoying because I can't use Sonata's tag editor, but I would
>>    not compile it from source :)
>> Toni wrote:
>>> Am Montag, 15. Dezember 2008 schrieb Ferenc-Lorant Kiss:
>>>> I just downgraded boost packages
>>>> kfl62 at kfl62:~/src/test> rpm -qa | grep boost
>>>> boost-devel-1.34.1-42.1
>>>> boost-1.34.1-42.1
>>>> That's the lowest version what i find for OpenSUSE 11.0.
>>>> Same result. Still not working :(
>>>> You know a repo with boost-1.34.1-41 ?
>>> webpin boost -d 11.0
>>> or online with webpin:
>>> http://packages.opensuse-community.org/
>>> As we build all our packages only with SuSE and/or packman packages,
>>> you'll find a boost package :)
>>> ==> It must be the basic one from openSuSE release 11.0
>>>> Thx
>>>> kfl62

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