[packman] gstreamer010-plugins-ugly on 11.0/x86_64 broken?

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Mon Aug 18 13:39:02 CEST 2008

Am Montag, 18. August 2008 schrieb Andrés G. Aragoneses:
> Toni wrote:
> > Am Montag, 18. August 2008 schrieb Andrés G. Aragoneses:
> >> Toni wrote:
> >>> Am Montag, 18. August 2008 schrieb Andrés G. Aragoneses:
> >>>> Since some weeks ago, I noticed that I can no longer playback mp3.
> >>>> Banshee steps to the next, and Totem plays it without sound. Any ideas
> >>>> on what may be the problem? As I said, this was working for me some
> >>>> weeks ago.
> >>>
> >>> Since weeks ago, the sun is shining or not ...
> >>> What kind of answer did you expect without providing the necessary
> >>> informations ?
> >>>
> >>> what packages are installed ?
> >>> "since weeks ago"  ... when did you change something ? What did you
> >>> change ?
> >>
> >> Sorry but I don't remember if I installed updates from packman, normally
> >> I accept what I see in my package manager. Is there a way to find out?
> >> (Using openSUSE11.0)
> >>
> >> The version of plugins-ugly that I have is:
> >> 0.10.8-42
> >>
> >> The gstreamer packages I have installed (the ones with "i" in the row)
> >> are: http://monoport.com/36895
> >
> > this info is "worthless" without the version and release-numbers.
> > in a console call:
> > rpm -qa | grep gstreamer
> Result:
> gstreamer-0_10-lang-0.10.20-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-devel-0.10.20-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel-0.10.20-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-lang-0.10.7-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-0.10.20-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good-0.10.8-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-0.10.8-42.pm.1
> banshee-1-backend-engine-gstreamer-1.2.1-9.1
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-0.10.7-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-doc-0.10.20-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg-0.10.4-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-lang-0.10.8-42.pm.1
> libgstreamer-0_10-0.10.20-42.pm.1   <====
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-0.10.20-42.pm.1
> gstreamer-0_10-pulse-0.9.7-42.pm.1
> libgstreamer-0_10-0-0.10.19-16.1   <=====
> gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-lang-0.10.20-42.pm.1

so you have installed TWO different libgstreamer-0_10 packages (marked with 
and I think the banshee-1-backend is linked against the 0.10.19 version of 
gstreamer. As banshee is not a packman package I can't recreate it with a 
libsgstreamer-0.10.19 linkage.

(just a sidenote: you need the *-devel packages only for compiling other 
packages, otherwise you can deinstall them savely)

> > other candidates are missing plugins, liboil and/or a mixture of packages
> > from
> rpm -qa | grep liboi
> liboil-devel-0.3.15-0.pm.1
> liboil0-0.3.15-0.pm.1
> (Yesterday I uninstalled one liboil packaged called just "liboil",
> instead of liboil0, but that didn't help, same behaviour now and then.)

I guess you are missing the gstreamer-0_10-fluendo-* packages from packman.
You can also try to play other formats (ogg, wav, ..) to see if only mp3 is 

> > other repositories. ...
> Yeah, maybe what happened is that an OpenSUSE update (not a packman
> update) broke this...
so with the given list on new installations, you can go back step by step to 
find out which package breaks your system.

> > call your application within a console and look for (error-)messages.
> Yes, that was what I did for Banshee and I only got:
> [Error 12:48:38.277] GStreamer stream error: Failed
> I didn't test with Totem so, now that I test, I see that there's no
> error at all in the console. Any other gstreamer media player I could test?
christine is a simple fat-free player, you can find it also in the packman 

> > As a hint:
> > to check what you have installed in the last time, you can call:
> > rpm -qa --last or
> > rpm -qa --last | less
> > and you'll receive a list in descending order (newest installed package
> > is the first!)
> Ok, last ones I installed:
> http://monoport.com/36902
> Maybe the pulseaudio updates are related?
perhaps, the pulseaudio stuff needs AFAIK some extra setups for sound (I don't 
use it, so I can't help here). If you don't know how to setup pulseaudio, try 
to uninstall the pulseaudio stuff (but don't force anything, as some apps 
needs libpulse*)

> Thanks,
> 	Andrés

have fun

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