[packman] Re: [PM] transcode 1.0.4 (openSUSE 10.3/ppc)

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Thu Oct 18 07:52:23 CEST 2007


Manfred Tremmel wrote:
> First of all baghira. It's a Mac and it shoud look like a Mac, even if 
> it's Linux running on it ;-) I don't like all the themes, delivered 
> with openSUSE. The other thing is kaffeine, ok, the "can't play DVD's" 
> patch doesn't matter on this PowerBook, it's even a little bit to slow 
> for SVCD's (no Problems with VCD's or Xvid up to 500x300), so I will 
> not try to include a DVD drive.
OK, I'll add kaffeine and baghira to the list.

>> I try to put my hands on a POWER5 server, that would increase build
>> capacity a bit :)
> It's only a question of runtime. It's taken me moth to recompile SUSE 
> 8.2 on my PowerBook, but it worked (and there are even two DVDs lying 
> arround with all the packages).
Well, as this is my main PPC machine to do my actual job, runtime is a

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