[packman] gstreamer*: Packman shuts down freshly installed OpenSUSE 10.3

Stanislav Brabec utx at penguin.cz
Fri Oct 5 22:47:16 CEST 2007

Toni wrote:
> Am Freitag, 5. Oktober 2007 schrieb Stanislav Brabec:

> > It is caused by the fact, that 10.3 no more refers to /opt/gnome and any
> > library installed there is invisible for the system unless you install
> > opt_gnome-compat. And even if you install it, you could have problems
> > with libtool, which is not move-prone.
> which packages ? exact names AND version/release-numbers 
> error messages ?

Gnome-settings-daemon failed. Clock applet failed. ...

All fail on the same problem:
libgstreamer-0.10.so.0 not found.

After adding Packman, gstreamer libraries are moved to /opt/gnome. It's
OK for RPM solver, but fatal for glibc - glibc in 10.3 does not search
for libraries in /opt/gnome/lib.

> > Second problem are too strict requirements in 10.3 gstreamer packages,
> > which cause conflicts in requirements. To replace all 10.3 packages by a
> > simple update, all of them must have higher version or at least release.
> I don't hunt suse-release-numbers...
> If you can't provide more informations about that problem, I can't help or 
> even try to solve this ...

The problem is the fact, that each 10.3 gstreamer010-plugins-* RPM
package requires exact version of gstreamer - the one it was compiled

It means, that you cannot update gstreamer010 without breaking RPM
dependencies of gstreamer010-plugins-* packages - you must update the
whole gstreamer set at once.

It is easy to do, only if all Packman version-release numbers are higher
than SuSE ones.

Stanislav Brabec

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