[packman] poker3d

Kees Tolenaar c_w_tol at casema.nl
Sat Jan 27 12:59:47 CET 2007

Good afternoon,

I have a question about Poker3D, a linux version of poker playing from
Those versions have been designed only for Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora
Core, the last one as a fc.rpm (poker3d-1.1.27-1.fc6.i386.rpm),
uninstallable for Suse Linux 10.2 because of its "dependency hell" (more
than 30 dependencies).

Now, the Poker3D helpdesk replied to me as follows:

/Currently there is no package specific for suse, maybe someone will
start one but we have nobody on Suse. If you know someone interested
ask him to contact us. And maybe something will start/

Now someone in Holland here advised me to contact you if you are
interested to insert this file into your rpm directories (games) which
means that someone has to redesign the file a bit, fit for Suse Linux 10.x.
Are you by any means interested? I hope so, because it looks like a
perfect alternative for EverestPoker (only designed for Windows and not
working fine in Wine).

Thanking you and hoping to hear from you.

Kind regards,
Kees Tolenaar

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