[packman] repo problem

Marc Schiffbauer marc at schiffbauer.net
Sat Oct 7 02:46:28 CEST 2006

* Bob S schrieb am 05.10.06 um 07:27 Uhr:
> Hello,
> I Know you are all volunteers and the SuSE community lauds an praises you for 
> that. Especially me. I have used the wonderful packages you have provided for 
> years.
> I used to use apt for may years but now have switched to smart because of 
> un-availability of KDE. I am running 10.0 on an AMD 64 bit system.
> I hate to complain to a group who has done so much for SuSE Linux, but you 
> have some broken packages. I have patiently waited for over a week now hoping 
> that the problem would be discovered and corrected. Has not happened.
> The problem is simply that the packages are not receiving
> the correct paths in the smart metadata. Packages are being
> made for 10.1 and the meta files are being copied over as-is for the
> 10.0 branch. That simply does not work. 

Pascal? Could you perhaps tell me what might be wrong here?

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