[packman] Bug with MPlayer on SUSE Linux 10.1

Boyd Lynn Gerber gerberb at zenez.com
Wed Nov 8 05:42:35 CET 2006


I update my MPlayer today via yast2 The link is


I am able to launch the player but when I right click on the MPLAYER big
screen and choose Open->Play File and the window pops up to choose things.
I am unable to get any thing to be choose able.  I did get this window
when I brought up the window for choosing and did not select anything in
the list.

New_Face failed.  Maybe the font path is wrong.
Please supply the text font file (~.mplayer/subfont.ttf).

The only thing I am able to do is click the X on the Main MPLAYER window
to close the application.  I am able to play files as long as they call it
directly in Sea Monkey.

I am able to select exit as long as I have not gone into the play file.


Boyd Gerber <gerberb at zenez.com>
ZENEZ	1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah  84047

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