[packman] normalize rpm building problem

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Thu Mar 23 13:02:21 CET 2006


On Thu, 23 Mar 2006, Henne Vogelsang wrote:

> You see thats one problem with simply using rpmbuild on your machine.
> You most likely have xmms-devel installed from some other build,
> configure detects it and builds the xmms plugin. The build becomes not
> reproduceable...

I fully agree :-) My problem is, that when I used y2pmbuild for building 
packages, it turned out, that I need to rebuild each package 10+ times to 
fix BuildRequires and add missing dependencies, which I can only see from 
the output of configure. AFAIR, audacity.spec does not have any 
BuildRequires or Requires lines at all. When I flooded package maintainers 
with BuildRequires lines a few months ago, to satisfy y2pmbuild, I was not 
really welcome...

So, for now I stay with plain, stupid rpmbuild, even that brings out a lot 
of problems... Bye,

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