[packman] Recent "x264" update broke "kino" on i586 (again)

Detlef Reichelt detlef at die-mafia.de
Sat Aug 5 10:25:22 CEST 2006

Hi Manfred,

Am Freitag, 4. August 2006 17:47 schrieb Manfred Hollstein:
> Can someone please rebuild "kino"? It currently depends on
> libx264.so.47 which was provided by x264-0.0svn20060625-1.i586.rpm;
> the updated package x264-0.0svn20060728-1.i586.rpm only provides
> libx264.so.48 ...

@detlef-pc:~/downloads> rpm -qp --requires kino-0.9.0-1.pm.2.i586.rpm  | grep 

But i havn't increase the releas-tag, grml... ;)

> PS: I appreciate you're all doing a great job, but am I wrong in
>     assuming that your build-system should track such dependencies
>     automatically? FWIW, the same dependency issue probably exists for
>     x86_64, too.

The build-system is human-based with human-errors ... ;)

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