[packman] package request: SCIM newest

susing my.suselinux at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 07:23:22 CEST 2005


 I would like to request the newest SCIM and SKIM to be built for SuSE
10.0.  Project home page: www.scim-im.org

 Details are

 SCIM 1.4.2 (10.0 RC1 is 1.4.1)

 SKIM 1.4.2 (10.0 RC1 is 1.4.1)

 scim-qtimm 0.9.4 (10.0 RC1 is 0.9.3)

 and maybe other packages listed on http://sourceforge.net/project/scim

 the new version fixed something like working with Opera etc.

 Thanks in advance.

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