[packman] ich habe mehrere interessante pakete für packman...

Mathias Homann admin at eregion.de
Tue Feb 15 16:03:14 CET 2005


ich hab da mehrere interessante pakete geschnürt, wollt ihr die haben?

bitte antwortet mir direkt, ich hab die ML nicht bestellt hab (wo/wie 
bestell ich die denn? gibts da irgendwo ein mailman frontend? oder 
wie ist die subscribe adresse?)

hier meine liste was ich bisher so geschnürt habe:

(name) - (version) - (release) - (summary) - (distribution)
3rdpartyfonts - 0.1 - 1 - a bunch of useful truetype fonts - SuSE 9.1
activeheart - 1.2.1 - 0.mh.suse91.1 - the Active Heart style for KDE 
3.2 - SuSE 9.1
airsnort - 0.2.3c - 0.mh.suse91.1 - the airsnort wlan scanner - SuSE 
animenfo-client-gui-gtk - 0.1 - 0.mh.1 - a client app to search 
animenfo.com - SuSE 9.1
arts - 1.3.2 - 3 - Modular software synthesizer - (none)
arts - 1.3.2 - 4 - Modular software synthesizer - (none)
arts-devel - 1.3.2 - 3 - Include Files and Libraries mandatory for 
Development. - (none)
arts-devel - 1.3.2 - 4 - Include Files and Libraries mandatory for 
Development. - (none)
arts-gmcop - 1.3.2 - 3 - Modular software synthesizer - (none)
arts-gmcop - 1.3.2 - 4 - A Modular Software Synthesizer - (none)
bzflag - 2.0.0 - 0.mh.1 - 3D Networked Multi-Player Tank Battle Game - 
celestia - 1.3.2 - 1 - OpenGL space simulator - SuSE 9.1
celestia - 1.3.2 - 3.mh.0 - OpenGL space simulator - SuSE 9.2
easytag - 1.99.3 - 1.mh.0 - Tag editor for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files. - 
ether-wake - 1.0.8 - 0.mh.suse91.0 - wake-on-lan stuff - SuSE 9.1
flash-player - - 0.mh.suse91.1 - Macromedia Flash plugin - 
freetype2 - 2.1.7 - 53.mh.slight.1 - A TrueType font library - (none)
freetype2 - 2.1.9 - 4.mh - A TrueType font library - (none)
freetype2-devel - 2.1.7 - 53.mh.slight.1 - Include Files and Libraries 
mandatory for Development. - (none)
freetype2-devel - 2.1.9 - 4.mh - Include Files and Libraries mandatory 
for Development. - (none)
GeoIP - 1.3.5 - 2 - Library to find the country that any IP address 
originates from - (none)
GeoIP - 1.3.5 - 2 - Library to find the country that any IP address 
originates from - SuSE Linux 8.1 (i386)
gnomekiss - 1.6 - 0.mh.1 - A gnome app for playing with KiSS dolls. - 
SuSE 9.2
gtklife - 2.2 - 0.mh.1 - a gtk life - SuSE 9.1
gtk-qt-engine - 0.6 - 0.mh.1 - GTK-style Engine for Use with Qt 
Plugins and Settings - SuSE 9.2
hexxagon - 0.3.2 - 0.mh.suse91.1 - Ataxx clone - SuSE 9.1
java3d - 1.3.1 - 0.mh.0 - Blackdown Java3D - SuSE 9.1
joe - 3.1 - 0.mh.1 - A Text Editor - (none)
kannasaver - 1.0 - 2 - a flashcard screensaver to learn hiragana and 
katakana - SuSE 9.1
kannasaver - 1.1 - 1 - a flashcard screensaver to learn hiragana and 
katakana - SuSE 9.1
kdepim3 - 3.3.2 - 5 - Personal Information Manager software for KDE - 
kdepim3-devel - 3.3.2 - 5 - Personal Information Manager software for 
KDE - (none)
kdepim3-kpilot - 3.3.2 - 5 - This Package allows Communication with 
the 3COM Palm Pilot - (none)
kdepim3-mobile - 3.3.2 - 5 - cell phone support - (none)
kdepim3-organizer - 3.3.2 - 5 - Personal Information Manager - (none)
kdepim3-sync - 3.3.2 - 5 - This Package allows Communication with 
Mobile Phones - (none)
kdepim3-time-management - 3.3.2 - 5 - Personal Information Manager - 
kderadiostation - 0.6 - 1.mh.suse91.1 - a kde app to choose from known 
streaming stations - (none)
kmenc15 - 0.03 - 0.mh.1 - A KDE frontend for mencoder - SuSE 9.2
ksplashplugins - 0.2.3 - 1 - plugins for ksplash - (none)
ksubtile - 1.01 - 1 - a subtitle editor for divx files - SuSE 9.1
kvirc - - 1.mh.suse91.1 - Graphical Front-End for IRC - SuSE 
kvirc - - 7.mh.suse92.1 - Graphical Front-End for IRC - SuSE 
kwin-activeheart - 1.1 - 0.mh.suse91.1 - Active Heart window 
decorations - SuSE 9.1
mtaskbar - 0.7 - 0.mh.1 - An improved taskbar applet for kicker - SuSE 
nget - 0.27 - 1 - command line nntp file grabber - (none)
nuvola - 1.0 - 1 - the nuvola icon theme for kde - SuSE 9.1
pimpd - 0.8 - 1.mh.fakeident.2 - identd daemon with masquerading 
support - SuSE 9.1
psi - 0.9.2 - 2.mh.suse91.1 - the psi jabber client - SuSE 9.1
putty - 0.56 - 0 - the putty ssh client known from windows - SuSE 9.1
qcomicbook - 0.1.1 - 0.mh.1 - QComicBook is a viewer for comic book 
archives. - SuSE 9.2
qstat - 2.6 - 1 - Get statistics from on-line game servers - (none)
qstat - 2.6 - 1 - Get statistics from on-line game servers - SuSE 
Linux 8.1 (i386)
rio500 - 0.7 - 1 - Rio 500 Support - (none)
setiathome - 3.08 - 2 - the Seti at Home client for linux i686 and sparc 
- SuSE Linux 8.0 (i386)
streamripper - 1.60.8 - 1 - a shoutcast ripper - SuSE 9.1
superkaramba - 0.35 - 0 - the superkaramba system monitoring tool - 
SuSE 9.1
synaptics - 0.13.5 - 1 - The Synaptics touchpad X driver - (none)
systemtrayapplet2 - 0.40 - 0 - improved tray applet - SuSE 9.1
systemtrayapplet2 - 0.51 - 0.mh.1 - improved tray applet - SuSE 9.2
textshadowedit - 0.1.1 - 0.mh.1 - a simple Control Center module to 
change the look of the shadows under the desktop icons - SuSE 9.2
xqf - 1.0 - 1 - Quake server browser - (none)
xqf - 1.0 - 1 - Quake server browser - SuSE Linux 8.1 (i386)

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gpg key fingerprint: 5F64 4C92 9B77 DE37 D184  C5F9 B013 44E7 27BD 

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