[packman] Kodi 21 - crash

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at lake.dti.ne.jp
Thu Apr 11 05:49:10 CEST 2024


In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [packman] Kodi 21 - crash
  Message-ID : <20240410113214.GB3935 at saturn.hollstein.homelinux.org>
  Date & Time: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 13:32:14 +0200

[MH] == Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> has written:

MN> > Ich baue und verwende selbst die neuesten Git-Quellen, aber ich glaube
MN> > nicht, dass das von Pacman bereitgestellte Kodi irgendwelche Fehler
MN> > enthält.

MH>  Thanks for jumping in!

You are welcome.

MN> > Es wäre besser,

MN> >    $ kodi > kodi.log 2>&1
MN> > in einem Terminal auszuführen und das kodi.log hochzuladen.

I think Eric's problem is that his 15.5. is too old, and I think that
updating the whole system, including Multimedia, will solve it.

In other words, Pacman's maintainer is to provide the latest kodi that
users want, assuming they keep 15.5 up-to-date, and I think users
should be aware of this.

MH>  I just installed a new machine with Leap 15.5 and did not block
MH>  pipewire this time. Still Pulseaudio appears to be the default
MH>  sound server:

MH>    $ pacmd info
MH>    ...
MH>    Name des Servers: pulseaudio

MH>  Still Kodi wants to use pipewire by default if it finds it installed.
MH>  kodi --help tells us the following:

Looking at Pacman's kodi.spec, it is not configured to specify the use
of pipewire, though?

I build it in such a way that either pipewire or pulseaudio is


MH>    --audio-backend=<backend> Select which audio backend to use.
MH>                            Available audio backends are: alsa, pipewire, pulseaudio, alsa+pulseaudio

My kodi uses pipewire by default, as well.

MH>  Starting kodi with the argument "--audio-backend=pulseaudio" results in
MH>  PulseAudio being used as the sound interface and sound works again.

We just need to know what kodi is looking at to determine whether to
use pipewire or pulseaudio.

You can use;

	$ systemctl --user stop pipewire pipewire.socket


	$ systemctl --user disable pipewire pipewire.socket

What happens?

MH>  I deliberately refused to get pipewire installed on my normal systems
MH>  due to my special use-cases, but here either activating pipewire at the
MH>  OS level, or specifying the audio backend to be used should be the way
MH>  to go.

Wouldn't a script (say, kodi.sh) like the following solve the problem?

#! /bin/sh
kodi --audio-backend=pulseaudio

Anyway, I like the sound via pipewire very much and enjoy music

Best Regards.

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