[packman] kaffeine vs tvheadend

dave w seasoftuk at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 7 13:33:33 CET 2016

I have tried with TV headend and gave up because of problems getting the permissions and users set up.
I can only get it to run with the --noacl option, even after going through the motions of setting up a new user, the settings are ignored when demonised.
The whole system seems to be a complete mess when it comes to  permissions and access control.

What seems to the missing from the packman version is the ability to set up the superuser. 

In the original Debian package the instructions state that you should  use dpkg-reconfigure and you will then be prompted to enter a super user name and password. I have never managed to work out the equivalent action on openSuse. My knowledge of the process is not good enough to figure out if this is done as part of ./configure  and make or if it is done when the rpm is unpacked.  If it is the first option then I am never going to see the user set up when installing from rpm.

I also noticed that openSuse have ver 4.0.8 and one update seems to be a tvheadend-fix-daemon-user-group.patch

Also seems to alter the etc/sysconfig settings

-OPTIONS="-c /home/tvheadend/config -u tvheadend -g tvheadend -6 --http_port 9981 --htsp_port 9982"
+OPTIONS="-c /home/tvheadend/config -u hts -g video -6 --http_port 9981 --htsp_port 9982" 

At the moment, tvheadend is more of a plaything for me,  whereas kaffeine is a very useful application for the rest of the family to make the odd recording of tv shows and watch them later.
I am not aware of any other application that will allow me to record from DVB-S and DVB-T at the same time , sometimes more than one program from the same transponder.

I wish that the kde4 version gained some of the features of the kde3 version and perhaps a tabbed dialog box for the channels when you have more than one source.

If I get time, I might try the tvheadend version from the open Suse repository but I know I'm probably in for more trouble if I switch vendor back to openSuse.

Best Regards

On Sun, 2/7/16, Hartmut Krummrei <spieluhr at ewetel.net> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [packman] kde3 kaffeine
 To: packman at links2linux.de
 Date: Sunday, February 7, 2016, 8:17 AM
 thank you for your help. I have tvheadend on my
 Raspi with Openelec. The 
 procedure from end
 of installation until you get tvheadend workable with 
 a list of tv-stations is really awfull. No
 thanks! I stay at kaffeine, 
 even if its
 kaffeine-kde4 ...
 07.02.2016 um 07:01 schrieb Martin Herkt:
 > At the risk of not being very helpful, I
 can recommend tvheadend.
 > It’s a browser-controlled DVB streamer
 and DVR that works with pretty much any
 video player that supports http streaming (like mpv or VLC),
 and also
 > integrates directly with e.g.
 Kodi. Quite easy to set up.
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