[packman] avidemux-2.5.6-9000.8 (openSUSE Factory/i586)

cupra2 at gmx.de cupra2 at gmx.de
Sun Feb 26 12:24:52 CET 2012


avidemux version 2.5.6-9000.8 don't start.

Get following error message while start via console.
See attachment.

Regards Norman
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-------------- next part --------------
norman at linux-desktop:~> avidemux2_gtk %F
  Avidemux v2.5.6
 Code      : Mean, JSC, Grant Pedersen
 GFX       : Nestor Di, nestordi at augcyl.org
 Design    : Jakub Misak
 FreeBSD   : Anish Mistry, amistry at am-productions.biz
 Audio     : Mihail Zenkov
 Mac OS X  : Kuisathaverat, Harry van der Wolf
 Win32     : Grant Pedersen

Compiler: GCC 4.6.2 20111212 [gcc-4_6-branch revision 182222]
Build Target: Linux (x86)
User Interface: GTK+ (2.24.7)

Large file available: 1 offset

Initialising prefs
Creating dir :mkdir /home/norman/.avidemux
Using /home/norman/.avidemux as base directory for prefs/jobs/...
[cpuCaps]Checking CPU capabilities
                MMX detected 
                3DNOW detected 
                MMXEXT detected 
                SSE detected 
                SSE2 detected 
                SSE3 detected 
[cpuCaps]End of CPU capabilities check (cpuMask :ffffffff)

[SDL] Version: 1.2.14
[SDL] Initialisation succeeded
[SDL] Video Driver: x11

[Locale] setlocale de_DE.UTF-8
[Locale] Textdomain was messages
[Locale] Textdomain is now avidemux
[Locale] Files for avidemux appear to be in /usr/share/locale
[Locale] Test: _Datei

Gdk-ERROR **: g_thread_init() must be called before gdk_threads_init()
Trace/Breakpoint ausgelöst
norman at linux-desktop:~> 
-------------- next part --------------
norman at linux-desktop:~> avidemux2_qt4 %F
avidemux2_qt4: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libADM_UIQT4.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK9QCheckBox15minimumSizeHintEv
norman at linux-desktop:~> 

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