[packman] 11.0 ppc packages

Wade Berrier wberrier at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 17:30:45 CEST 2008

Manfred Tremmel wrote:

> Am Montag 22 September 2008 schrieb Wade Berrier:
>> On Monday 22 September 2008 1:47:18 pm Wade Berrier wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I notice there are no ppc packages for 11.0... what's the story on
>> > this? Anything I can do to help?
>> I noticed this after writing this message:
>> I may be able to use a g3 ibook to help compile some packages for
>> 11.0.  How would I go about setting that up?
> First of all you have to be able to setup a gpg key for signing the
> build packages.
> You have to setup a key based ssh authentication.
> You can build the package in a lbuild environment, that's save but costs
> a lot of time on a G3 cpu.
> The other way is to build simply using lbuild. You have to solve
> dependencies manualy but can save a lot of time. For building and
> uploading I can give you my scripts, but the doing behind has to be
> done by you.

Oh, I assumed that packman was using OBS, and I wanted to hook up my
clamshell as a build client.

Is there still interest amongst the packman packagers in using OBS?  It
makes packaging sooo much easier (I was suse's Mono packager for several
years).  I'd be willing to help set this up as well as help package.

(A previous thread mentioned that using OBS would attract more packagers.  I
think this is definitely true.  Look at all the home repositories in suse's
obs server: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ .  Count: 1229

.spec files can be altered to handle architecture specific needs (ppc in
this case).

Anyone interested?


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