[packman] Re: [PM] MediaInfo (openSUSE 10.3/x86_64)

Zen Zen at MediaArea.net
Sun Nov 4 12:41:32 CET 2007

Toni a écrit :
> our site is well spidered by google :)
...And referers to my page with your links (this is how I saw it) ;-)

> that's ok, feel free to link our page.
> as your project is in sourceforge I get a email as soon as a new version is 
> available. I'll try to publish a new package as soon as possible, but I 
> cann't promise to publish it immediately, some times there is a natural delay 
> of some days :)
Normal. OK, thanks.
I will do a new design of the download page soon, and I will link to 
your page for OpenSuse part.

>> Would you be OK for packaging the future GUI too?
> I've already tried to do so, the compile and linking against wxWidgets is 
> already prepared. But needs still some patching. As far as I investigated the 
> Makefiles its only possible to build a cli-program so far. So if you are 
> ready to roll-out a MediaInfo-GUI give me a short note.
Don't try, this is currently a little "ugly", I am working on it! :)
I will warn you when it is done.


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