[packman] Re: [PM] MediaInfo (openSUSE 10.3/x86_64)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Sun Nov 4 12:34:14 CET 2007

Am Sonntag, 4. November 2007 schrieb Zen:
> Hi,
> I am the developper of MediaInfo, I saw you packaged it for OpenSuse here:
> http://packman.links2linux.de/package/MediaInfo
our site is well spidered by google :)

> I would like to know if you plan to do it often (for each version?), and
> if you are OK if I put a link for an "official" download page for OpenSuse?
that's ok, feel free to link our page.

as your project is in sourceforge I get a email as soon as a new version is 
available. I'll try to publish a new package as soon as possible, but I 
cann't promise to publish it immediately, some times there is a natural delay 
of some days :)

> Would you be OK for packaging the future GUI too?
I've already tried to do so, the compile and linking against wxWidgets is 
already prepared. But needs still some patching. As far as I investigated the 
Makefiles its only possible to build a cli-program so far. So if you are 
ready to roll-out a MediaInfo-GUI give me a short note.

> Zen, developper of MediaInfo.
have fun

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