[packman] gpg key expires tomorrow

Javier Llorente javier at opensuse.org
Fri Sep 13 15:05:34 CEST 2024

El viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024 11:15:17 (CEST), Marc Schiffbauer 
> * Joachim Weber schrieb am 13.09.24 um 10:19 Uhr:
> > I think, the file repomd.xml must be signed with the new key.
> > 
> > I got the following message at zypper refresh:
> > Warning: The gpg key signing file 'repomd.xml' has expired
> I had a look into this and hopefully fixed it.
> What happened?
> I updated the main pubkey in the packman root-folder
> (gpg-pubkey-1abd1afb.asc), but I forgot that this file is hardlinked to
> all the fedora and suse repos underneath (repomd.xml.key).
> So to not break these hardlinks you must not replace the file in a way
> that creates a new inode, which is exactly what I did. :-(
> I recreated all the hardlinks now so all repomd.xml.key files are noew
> updated as well.
> ~ $ gpg --show-key
> ./pub/packman/suse/openSUSE_Slowroll/Multimedia/repodata/repomd.xml.key pub
>   rsa4096 2006-09-18 [SC] [expires: 2026-09-03]
>       F8875B880D518B6B8C530D1345A1D0671ABD1AFB
> uid                      PackMan Project (signing key)
> <packman at links2linux.de>
> So it was my fault, sorry for that.
> Can anybody confirm that this is fixed now?
> (You have to wait until the next repo update / sync)

I am no longer getting the warning (gwdg.de/TW).

Javier Llorente
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