[packman] Kodi 21.0 Omega - Update against sound issues on Leap

Manfred Hollstein manfred.h at gmx.net
Thu May 2 10:59:19 CEST 2024


let me ask one question first: did kodi-21 from Packman work for you at
all? If so, when did the problem start?

Please find further stuff below.

On Thu, 02 May 2024, 02:02:35 +0200, Masaru Nomiya wrote:
> Hello,
> I write my mail on two PC's to check my correspondence to the Mailing
> list, one is a desktop PC and the other is a laptop, both with
> Tumbleweed as the platform.
> The Tumbleweed on the laptop is in the state of the one provided by
> openSUSE and I have not modified it in any way.
> In the Message; 
>   Subject    : Re: [packman] Kodi 21.0 Omega - Update against sound issues on Leap
>   Message-ID : <ZjIWcIvmwC-26eaH at saturn.hollstein.homelinux.org>
>   Date & Time: Wed, 1 May 2024 12:16:16 +0200
> [MH] == Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> has written:
> [...]
> MH>  As I wrote several times before, I cannot reproduce what you see! Both
> MH>  variants work for me here and produce sound. May I suggest that you
> MH>  create an issue upstream? Please include all details such as OS platform
> MH>  and the version of pipewire including where you got them from.
> I can't understand what you are talking about.

I asked you to go to


and click on "New issue" in which you describe your current problem. As
I don't have that problem, I cannot do it for you. Note, if you don't
already have a Github account, you must create one before.

> Do you understand what your proposal is?

I don't understand your question?

> In the Message; 
>   Subject    : [packman] Kodi 21.0 Omega - Update against sound issues on Leap
>   Message-ID : <20240429115933.GA8509 at saturn.hollstein.homelinux.org>
>   Date & Time: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 13:59:33 +0200
> [MH] == Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> has written:
> [...]
> MH>  We have therefore extended the /usr/bin/kodi script to detect, if the
> MH>  installation is kind of broken:
> MH>    # Work around a possibly broken installation of pipewire on openSUSE Leap
> MH>    # see 'https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1222636'
> MH>    if [ -x ${prefix}/bin/pulseaudio ] &&
> MH>       [ -x ${prefix}/bin/pipewire ] &&
> MH>       [ ! -x ${prefix}/bin/pipewire-pulse ]; then
> MH>      ENV_ARGS="--audio-backend=pulseaudio"
> MH>    fi
> MH>  This means that a default installation of Leap 15.5 or 15.6 will cause
> MH>  kodi to add "--audio-backend=pulseaudio" by itself. Please note, you can
> MH>  still override this by adding your own preference by adding one of the
> MH>  following yourself:
> MH>      --audio-backend=<backend> Select which audio backend to use.
> MH>                            Available audio backends are: alsa, pipewire, pulseaudio, alsa+pulseaudio
> [...]
> Your proposal means;
>      kodi, which by default starts by activating the API to pipewire,
>      should be replaced by activating the API to pulseaudio, since
>      this will not play sound.

Nope, the if [ ... ] means:

  1. /usr/bin/pulseaudio is installed
  2. /usr/bin/pipewire is installed
  3. /usr/bin/pipewire-pulse is NOT installed

If all three items are true, we will not get any sound unless we
explicitly force kodi to use "--audio-backend=pulseaudio". If one item
is not true, we don't force anything.

BTW, if kodi-21 worked for you once, but not now, you could remve the "if
[ ... ] fi" statement above from the /usr/bin/kodi script (lines 193 to
200) and test again, please. This was the only change in
kodi-21.0-1699.3.pm.1.x86_64.  If it still crashes, the reason is
something else caused by your concrete installation.

Another test would be to start with Kodi's default settings. For this
you should move your existing configuration to a safe place, followed by
starting kodi to see if that works or still crashes:

  $ mv ~/.kodi ~/.kodi.save
  $ kodi
  $ rm -rf ~/.kodi; mv ~/.kodi.save ~/.kodi

> Naturally, this switch is only for the API, and sound is played via
> pipewire.
> Furthermore, can't you understand that kodi built with the
> -DENABLE_PIPEWIRE=OFF switch does the same thing as kodi start up with
> the pulseaudio API enabled (ie., --audio-backend=pulseaudio)?

Of course, I do understand that. What makes you believe I don't?
> I ask because this is a good time to ask;
> In the Message; 
>   Subject    : Re: [packman] Kodi 21.0 Omega - Update against sound issues on Leap
>   Message-ID : <20240430072150.GA3487 at saturn.hollstein.homelinux.org>
>   Date & Time: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 09:21:50 +0200
> [MH] == Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> has written:
> [...]
> MH>  This is the situation that a Leap installation with all updates
> MH>  installed is in. It has /usr/bin/pulseaudio and /usr/bin/pipewire, but
> MH>  no /usr/bin/pipewire-pulseaudio.
> [...]
> Is this really?

Yes, that's what I found after installing a new Leap 15.5 system.

> It still works, but installing pulseaudio instead of
> pipewire-pulseaudio is not in line with the basic idea of pipewire
> development, is it?

I'm not a pipewire developer, so I don't know. I just try to figure out,
what needs to be done to make kodi work on both Tumbleweed and Leap.

> What about Tumbleweed, which updates like nothing leap has ever seen,
> and is still on pipewire-pulseaudio?

Tumbleweed at least has pipewire-pulseaudio-1.0.5-1.1.x86_64 installed
on my system.

> More to the point, the maintainer(s?) of pipewire in both Leap and
> Tumbleweed should be the same person(s?). I can't believe he (or they)
> would change the specs for Leap and Tumbleweed, though, can you?

Well, I had hoped for, but they did not want to follow as can be seen in
my bugzilla.

> Kind Regards.

HTH, cheers.

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